Life, Peace & Justice
Life, Peace & Justice Committee
Our faith impels us to defend the gift of life from conception till natural death through all its different transitions. That is why this committee works to create a greater appreciation for the lives of the unborn, the orphans, the unemployed, the poor, the elderly, the immigrants, etc. We do outreach ministry in all its stages.
For more information on any of these committees and groups, please get in touch with the church office.
Our parish, through a partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach, serves Belize's poor and marginalized people. Cross Catholic Outreach’s mission is “Delivering food, shelter and hope to the poorest of the poor” while at the same time advancing Catholic evangelization.
During the Lenten Season, the Belize Mission Committee campaigns for donations to fund four main projects supported by SJN Catholic Parish. The projects are 1) the education of Indian/Mayan women, 2) providing food for the elderly through H.O.P.E. (Helping Older People Equally), 3) scholarships for six girls to attend Pallotti High School in Belize City, and 4) home repair projects in the town of Punta Gorda. Donations can be made using the special envelopes located in the pews during Lent.
Additionally, to help the participants with their travel costs, the committee also sells raffle tickets each year--raffling great prizes for parishioners to win. If you want to donate money and/or participate in our annual Mission Trip to Belize, don't hesitate to contact the church office.
“As part of the parish’s Life, Peace & Justice ministries, since 2009, we have partnered with Cross Catholic Outreach, through which we sponsor self-help projects in Belize. By doing so, we seek to respond to our baptismal calling to be missionaries by contributing from a distance with our monetary donations and becoming personally involved with the lives of the poorest of the poor. Our community embarks on the Lenten journey through the Divine Mercy Sunday to pray and give to the Belize projects we support every year. All are encouraged to join our annual Mission Trip to Punta Gorda, Belize. During these years, an average of 12 people per year, young and old, have shared in the exciting calling to minister face-to-face with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. The Pallotine Sisters offer us a warm welcome in their Nazareth Retreat House. The result is that we come back convinced that we have received from them so much more than we gave. The parish has been most generous in rallying around this cause, which is foundational in the life of the Christian.
Below is a synopsis with some pictures of our latest mission trips. Enjoy!”
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic organization of laypeople founded in 1833. The society is under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul and derives its inspiration from its members to help those in need, relieve suffering, and provide a Christian outreach to our neighbors. Services include visiting the poor in their homes, providing food from the church food pantry, and assistance with emergency partial payments of utility, rent, and medical expenses. We are mainly dependent upon the support of our fellow parishioners. Our doors are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
For more information on any of these committees and groups, please get in touch with the church office.
Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA)
St John Neumann Catholic Church supports NESA through an annual donation and parishioners’ willingness to volunteer their time to assist NESA participants unselfishly. NESA aims to help home-bound individuals 60 years of age and older live independently with dignity and a positive quality of life. Some of the services NESA provides are escorted transportation to and from your home for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and delivery, telephone reassurance, handy-helper services, socialization at special events, and information and referral services.
If you would like assistance through the NESA program or would like to volunteer your time to assist an NESA member, please contact the church office.