Happy Easter
/Dear parishioners:
This year of mercy has been incredibly fruitful and life-giving. We are not yet half way into it and its prospects look very good.
I feel we are already reaping the merciful harvest of sacramental forgiveness and charitable works of mercy. On the one hand, as a priest, is so uplifting to hear so many heart-felt confessions. I can’t help but feel the call to be holier and more generous in my priestly service. On the other hand, our PMO’s are a constant prodding from God to reach out to those in need. Like early in March our encounter with the family who will move into the house we helped build under the Habitat for Humanity umbrella was so fulfilling. It reminds me of the Scripture passage from 1 Peter 4, “Love covers a multitude of sins”. Early in April our visit to this orphanage for games and lunch with the children brings lasting fruits of love, care and companionship.
This man God raised from the dead is God Incarnate, alive among us through his Spirit. May this Easter season be for each and everyone of us a thrilling experience of the presence of the risen Christ in our midst. Like our beloved Pope Francis reminds us, may we never get tired of forgiving and being merciful because God never tires of being so good to us unconditionally.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Alleluia! Happy Easter!
Fr. Octavio