You Alone Lord, Know What this Day Has Contained

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 Words of St. Faustina ---

+"When one is ill and weak, one must constantly make efforts to measure up to what others are doing as a matter of course.

But even those matter-of-course things cannot always be managed.

Nevertheless, thank You, Jesus, for everything, because it is not the greatness of the works,

but the greatness of the effort that will be rewarded.

What is done out of love is not small, O my Jesus, for Your eyes see everything.

I do not know why I feel so terribly unwell in the morning; I have to muster all my strength to get out of bed, sometimes even to the point of heroism.

The thought of Holy Communion gives me back a little more strength. And so, the day starts with a struggle and ends with a struggle.

When I go to take my rest, I feel like a soldier returning from the battlefield.

You alone, my Lord and Master, know what this day has contained."

 From her Diary of Divine Mercy