2014 - 2019



Celebrating our faith through the Eucharist with hope where families love God and one another joyfully.


Prayerfulness: Conforming our lives to Jesus through faithful meditation on God's will and loving presence as we fulfill the responsibilities of discipleship.

Stewardship: Gratitude for the resources entrusted to us, that we use them wisely, being transparent and responsible to God and one another.

Unity: Grounded in the Holy Eucharist, we embrace diversity among persons, cultures and apostolates, and foster the bonds of charity that reflect the Trinitarian relationship of God, creating a culture of communion.


1. New Evangelization

  • Establish a core team of at least 5 members to lead the facilitators of small faith communities to promote faith sharing and a deeper sense of community by May of 2016.

  • ➢ Increase the number of greeters to rotate welcoming parishioners and visitors at every weekend Mass by August of 2016.

  • ➢ Organize Parish Monthly Outreach projects to allow parishioners opportunities to perform works of Mercy during the Year of Mercy (2015-16).

  • ➢ Continue facilitating parishioners to go on a weeklong Mission trip to help the needy.

2.   Catechesis and Formation

  • Promote the attendance of Catechists to the Mid-winter gatherings, retreats and events organized by the Catechetical Center of the Archdiocese in order to expand their knowledge every year.

  • Organize an in-house retreat for SJN catechists before the beginning of each school year to strengthen their bonds with Christ and each other.

  • Offer Family Faith Formation to parents twice a month, while their children attend CCD to encourage them to continue teaching their children and growing in faith.

  • Involve parents and children receiving Sacraments in a mini-retreat in order to emphasize the importance of faith formation, once a year.

3.   Youth and Young Adults

  • Involve the youth to participate actively during the Noon Mass, at least once a month, being ushers, lectors, greeters or the ministry of their choice in addition to helping during the SJN family picnic and the fall festival, to allow them the opportunity to serve the community.

  • Provide at least two retreats per year to bring the youth together and promote a better sense of community.