Guidelines & Policies
Students enrolled in our Religious Education Program are required to attend Mass each week and are also expected to attend class each week. It is extremely important to arrive on time for class. If family situations do not allow weekly attendance, parents must coordinate make up assignments with the teachers. PLEASE NOTE: Children will not leave their class early unless prior arrangements have been made with their coordinator.
In the case of illness or if the absence is anticipated, a parent should contract the coordinator of the child’s grade level so that the absence might be excused. It is recommended that a written note be presented to the teacher when the child returns to class. It will be the responsibility of the student and parent to make arrangements with the teacher to make up lessons due to absences. After three unexcused absences, your child will be considered for termination from religious education. An interview with the coordinator and the Pastor will be required for reinstatement.
Out of respect for our Lord, students are required to dress in a manner that reflects Christian modesty and respect for Mass and religious education. No tank tops, short shorts, low cut tops, halers, or backless shirts, mini-dresses, bare midriffs, baggy trousers or disrespectful t-shirts.
Discipline in the classroom is based upon mutual respect between teachers and all students. Teachers are responsible for insuring that a safe, disciplined learning environment is maintained. Students who do not cooperate will be referred to the coordinator. Coordinators will work to resolve any classroom situations to insure the education process is not disrupted. Options available to the coordinator include, but are not limited to: counseling, time out periods, and suspension. A suspended student may be reinstated following a meeting of the student, his/her parents/guardians, and the Pastor.
Those students attending the Noon Mandatory Mass with their class will be seated in a reserved area in the church. Proper reverence at Mass and proper behavior in the classroom is expected (see paragraph 2199 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church). Children should have respect for church property as well as the property of others. No food, gum, toys or laser light pointers will be allowed in the church or classroom