Generations of Faith (GOF)
An intergenerational approach to religious education for the entire family - a true alternative to traditional religious education.
Mission Statement
This Church is a family where we, children, youth, and adults, need each other to grow in faith. We want to gather periodically, like families do, to deepen our knowledge of one another and God’s will in our lives. We invite every member of the families of St. John Neumann parish to come and participate in fellowship and faith formation activities to go back home enkindled with the fire of the Spirit in their hearts.
Who is it for?
Children, Youth, Parents, Grandparents, Sponsors, Extended Family, and Adults who want to learn more about Faith.
How does it work?
Households of Faith - No matter what your family looks like, nuclear, blended, single parent, grandparents, and the grandkids, traditional, you belong here.
Supper Matters - We gather once a month for a simple meal together. No cooking - your chance to sit and relax with neighbors and friends.
Opening Prayer - Every session is related to the Church year, and our opening will lead us into the Church's celebrations and observances.
All Ages Learning Activity - No one can talk about the meaning of God with the young people in your life better than you can. This part is designed to help that conversation along. Young people are far more open to Church when the adults in their lives take time to explore it with them.
Age-Appropriate Activity - It is also important for each age group to ask questions and learn in its own way. Time is reserved for this, too. Adult education without leaving the kids alone!
Closing - We gathered once more as a group to share what we had learned. At this time, home packets with materials and suggestions are distributed. This is to help each household continue learning in various ways until we meet again. We close then with prayer.
For more information on any of these ministries, please contact the church office.