Christmas is a wonderful time of year and we all want to have our family around us. Some of us have family living close by and we celebrate together all year round. Others can travel to be together. For those of you that cannot travel, have family too far away or no family, please let us be your family this Christmas.
Join us for a Christmas Feast Celebration, Christmas music and fellowship in our Parish Family Center on Monday, December 25th from 11:30am -2:00pm. Our meal includes turkey, gravy, stuffing, corn, green beans, mashed potatoes and biscuits. Feel free to bring your favorite dessert to share. And the best part is that the meal is free.
To reserve your spot, please see us in the courtyard to pick up your meal ticket during the weekend Masses. Or you may come by our Church Office Mon – Fri 8:00 am to 5:00. The deadline to sign up is December 15th. We will also have a "Free Will Offering" if you would like to give a donation to offset the cost. Thank you, God Bless you and your families.